pod people eight
pod people eight

pod people eight

Regular price $15.00 Sale

5" x 7" x original watercolor  on watercolor paper, daily message included. comes with mat and backer board in a crystal clear bag

this is a one-of-a-kind piece.
every now and again the "pod people" come for a visit.  usually they come through in a painting that is underway.  I see a form and bring it to life.  with this series they appeared from a blank page and for 21 days they brought with them an image and a message.
these "pod people" have requested that I share this series with you.  may the perfect message find its way to you and may it support you in your highest and greatest good.
Message Day Eight:

from the “pod people”…
(some free writing mumbo jumbo) oh my stars and chocolate bars. superstars. shooting stars. counting stars. falling stars. star gazing. CIRCLE OF STARS. you are a star. be a star. collect stars. star bright. starlight. wish I may. wish I might. make this wish come true tonight. when you wish upon a star it doesn’t matter who you are. twinkle twinkle little star. how I wonder what you are.
what stood out for me was the CIRCLE OF STARS.
✨✨✨✨M*A*G*I*C ✨✨✨✨
stars are gathering all around you. look to the stars. your pure intention of creating from the heart is lighting up the sky. m*A*g*I*c wants to happen for you now! all is arriving for you - synchronicity, perfect timing, opportunities and information. it may seem uncomfortable at first to be provided with all of this. you may stumble and fumble a bit. drop the resistance and invite the light to surround you as you move forth. this flowing. this light. the light within you. the beauty. the M*a*G*i*C. from you to ALL.
I’m feeling this is another layer related to the discomfort from yesterday.
gratitude to the “pod people” for lighting the way!