spread the L O V E - February 1 - 28
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spread the L O V E
"one sprinkle at a time"
this will be hosted in a Private Facebook group
(if you are not on Facebook and still wish to play along please contact me at artitude@telusplanet.net)
one of the things I am super passionate about is spreading the L O V E wherever I wander. this may include classes that I attend, grocery stores, bookstores and cafes and SO much more.
through the creation of "love notes" my desire is to sprinkle L O V E for someone to find OR to hand it to someone OR mail it. for them to feel the love, feel the energy in my creation and know that they are loved, they are seen and they matter.
my hope is that then they too will spread the L O V E and everyone everywhere will feel it and breathe it. one ripple, one "love note" at a time.
join me for 28 days in creating "love notes."
upon checkout you will receive a link to join the PRIVATE FACEBOOK group where you will find:
- 28 prompts or ideas on how to spread the L O V E in your community
- a variety of techniques on how to create a "love note"
- simple lettering styles
- ideas for where to find the words for your "love notes"
***no specific materials are required. use what you have.